Carollyne Sinclaire Artist
Capturing the Beauty of Colour, Light and Shadow

Art Log

(posted on 7 Jun 2024)


It's been a long time since you've heard from me.  Since I last sent out some news a number of things have happened.

I was resident artist at the Summerland Gallery for a week, painting live before the visitors along with two other artists.


In addition, I am thrilled to announce that four of my works have been  juried into the FCA COC (Central Okanagan Chapter) OASIS show (June 30 to June 27th, 2024) with two paintings appearing in the Peachland Gallery as well as online (as seen below)  and two appearing in the online show.  This is such a popular show of excellent works that many people schedule their holiday time to the Okanagan to select from the presented works.  I will be sending the link for you to view and a poster of the upcoming show.

I continue to study with Ian Roberts in his online classes having finished the Drawing component and the Brushwork classes.  There are many exercises to complete for this course, the last focusing on 
Colour Temperature in this case using only orange, black, blue and white.  A sample below:


July 20th is the FCA SOS (South Okanagan Similkameen) outdoor show in the Rotary Park where I will have a space.  This is an opportunity to view a variety of works from about 30 artists in the cool of the cedars during the public market hours from 8:30 to 2 p.m. Tip: free parking behind city hall.  

And I am very happy to share some special with all of you.  I was interviewed by a Master Floral Artist, Ciel Ellis, SFCA, regarding my thoughts about painting.  Copy and paste this link into your browser to read the interview at your convenience.

All the very best to each and every one of you!
